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Adaora Onyia

Limsada Properties CEO




A Bit About Me

I was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria and came to the US when I was 21 to go to college. I fell in love with learning and got my Bachelor and Master degrees in electrical engineering.


A few years after graduating I got married, but the marriage turned abusive and I ended up fleeing the situation with just an overnight bag as my only possession. 


Starting over, with no home, no income, and no family to rely on, I learned I was stronger than I thought I was and that I could persevere. I also learned there is always a way no matter how dark things may things look. 


I went back to school and got a Master of Computer Science degree and a few years later after I got a job in the tech industry got a Masters in Business Administration.


When I learned about real estate investing I was excited about not only being able to support myself for the future but the opportunity to help other women in similar situations and families who face hardship and need solutions for their living situations. 


My passion and goal are to create safe, honest, and smooth transitions for families going through foreclosure, divorce, liens, relocation and more. Helping families determine the best option for their situation and find solutions quickly.

High Fives

My Experience

I have experience purchasing properties to rehab and either flip or hold as rentals. My goal is to provide my clients with the best service possible and create a win-win situation.

My Mission

Helping homeowners solve their property situations.

Situations such as divorce, foreclosure, death of a family member, burdensome rental property, job loss and all kinds of other situations where the homeowner feels burdened by the property and is in a quandary as to what to do and/or wants to sell the property fast.

The aim is to work with the homeowners to determine what options they have.

I can purchase the property and close quickly with the homeowner not having to pay any closing fees or commissions (homeowners would have to pay this if they went through a rental agent). This way the homeowner gets to keep more money.

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